Top Insurance Issues for Metal Manufacturing Industry:
- Will Business Income Insurance cover me if my operations are shut down?
- Can I get a Manufacturer’s Output policy in case there is a flaw in a spec?
- How can I be proactive to ensure I’m controlling my workers compensation claims?
- How would I handle a return-to-work post-accident employee?
- Can I require a pre-employment test before hiring a new employee?
- How can I best control my experience mod and drive it down to be 1.0?
- If I had a critical piece of equipment break down at our facility, how long would it take to fix?
- How can I better manage our accounts/receivables against a customer not paying their bills?
- How would I handle exposures to toxic or caustic chemicals?
- How would I handle someone being injured by a slip, trip, or fall?
- How do you handle product recalls?
- How would you handle injury or property damage?