Food Manufacturing Insurance
Food Manufacturing Insurance Services
Our capabilities range from securing basic insurance coverage to implementing workplace safety plans. This includes, but is not limited to, the following services:
- Build health and safety programs that address:
- Equipment/machine operations and guarding
- Electrical safety and lockout tagout
- Hazard communication
- Globally harmonized systems
- Housekeeping and combustible dust
- Ergonomics
- Soft tissue injury prevention
- Provide crucial mandatory training for employees, which includes but is not limited to:
- Powered industrial truck, scissor and aerial lift training and certification
- Authorized, affected and other lockout/tagout application training
- First-aid, CPR & AED training and certification for key company personnel
- Routine training sessions for managers, supervisors and leads to ensure facility safety and employee work practices are compliant with applicable OSHA standards and company directions
- Create safety observations and audits, using a software that provides statistical probability of accidents and injuries
- Conduct documented accident and injury investigations and offer recommendations for preventing similar cases in the future
- Develop and execute an Accident Review Board
- Evaluate industrial hygiene activities to ensure compliance with OSHA standards, specifically reviewing:
- Hazardous and toxic substances
- Respiratory protection regulations
- Hearing conservation standards
- General personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements