About Horton’s Telecommunications Practice
As part of our risk evaluation process, we look to confirm that your risk management approach supports your overall business objectives and ensures that we develop programs based on a client’s individual risk performance history, and not just industry numbers.
Horton’s Program is structured specifically for Telecommunications Contractors.
Discussing qualitative and quantitative aspects of your business allows us to evaluate your needs and exposures to develop a comprehensive and forward-thinking approach to manage your everyday risks. We offer better service, insight, and competitive pricing due to our experience in the field.
What is 5G/DAS Installation?
A distributed antenna system (DAS) is a way to deal with isolated spots of poor coverage inside a large building by installing a network of relatively small antennas throughout the building to serve as repeaters.
Who We Work With
- Union and Non-Union Organizations
- Large & Small Businesses
- Woman-owned businesses (WBE)
- Minority-owned businesses (MBE)
- Veteran-owned businesses (VBE or VOSB)
- Businesses owned by economically disadvantaged individuals (DBE)